Thursday 4 September 2014

Now or Future?

So its 7:47pm on september 4th, 2014. I went to work today, it was pretty busy and that is a good thing. I came home and thought of only how tired I was and I kinda just wanted to go to sleep, so I decided to go jogging and then write my first blog ever. So that's a thing. Also, if my blogs are terribly put together then I'm sorry, you'll have to get over it. 

I've been thinking a lot about life lately (not that I don't always). I wonder when my life is going to come together. Sometimes my mind is only set on one thing and I want things to only work my way. I want to get married young to a super fun adventurous God loving guy. I want to have the coolest kids ever who can one day become flipping legends who also love God. I want kids who would love nacho libre as much as I do. I also want to raise a family that isn't surfacy. I want to have a home that I can share with others. I want others to tell me I have the best selection of tea to offer. I want to travel more. I want to teach art to impoverished children. I want to play music more and learn how to play guitar better. I want to still be doing wild things even when I'm 50. I want to be homeless for part of my life. I want to live in an environment where I am completely dependent on God and nothing else. So my life is all set up in my mind. And I expected it to just naturally happen without any flaws. And well...lets be real. Life doesn't work that way. 

I find myself always worrying about my future. But what about today? God cares about our future, he's got that. But God also cares about today. God cares about right now. Sometimes it's in those times when we are panicking about tomorrow that God is like "Hey, don't worry about tomorrow. Right now is all that matters. Live in the moment, not in the future. When we live in the future we miss out on so many crazy opportunities that God has for us. God has this incredible thing where He creates beautiful things out of everyday situations. He is the God of abundance. And yet we still can't allow God to write our story for us. We are afraid to hand the pen over to God. But I've been in many situations where I have my own expectations and God completely exceeds them. And it's been those moments that make me want God writing my story. He knows us more than we or anybody else does. He knows every intricate detail about our lives. He is perfect. He is faithful. He is ever pursuing. 

Our lives will never be perfect in an imperfect world. But God can create beauty out of our mistakes. And when we focus on the now God will create beautiful things. God is the best!